an iconic life regret of mine
I am embarrassed and ashamed to write about how stupid this regret of mine was.
There was no reason for things to happen this way and the alternative was so lovely, enriching and otherworldly.
The path I took was instead, pointless, disappointing, and irrevocable.
I cannot take this mistake back. While it may seem minuscule , or frivolous. I actually think it’s incredible important and telling. I try to make a lesson out of it, one that would prevent similar occurrences from happening in the future .
I’ll now explain. When I was younger and living in Brooklyn with my then girlfriend, my parents suggested that we see a mind blowing exhibit at the metropolitan museum of art. They saw it and raved about it with extreme vigor.
The lines for the exhibit spilled outside of The Met with considerable wait times of over an hour to even enter the building
While opting out of waiting hours for a museum exhibit may seem reasonable , . I’d like to direct you towards the fact that my parents , being metropolitan museum members , were able to skip the line entirely, a tremendously valuable resource they greatly extended to us . “You don’t even have to wait, you can skip the line” as she handed me her membership card i delicately placed into my wallet and never used.
there was never a conscious decision to not go to the exhibit. Everytime it was mentioned, I was interested , to some degree, and never mentally said “no I’m not going to go.” The lesson from this event is that, sometimes not saying yes loud enough and with enough urgency , is the same as saying no.
WhAt makes this story even more iconic is that my parents also suggested that my cousin should attend the museum. He was not given the card that would enable him to skip the two hour line. He would also have to pay for his ticket (free entry is another membership perk)
He’d even purchased the same book from the exhibit that my parents had. This was the book that solidified the degree to which I had missed out massively, on something that would never be again. It is also one of it not the most gloriously beautiful books I’ve come across. Flawless. Amazon’s review average is 4.9/5 . This is with a sample size of 1545. A 4.9 is a perfect score because some people just give one star reviews because they can or because their item never arrived
The book is a complete masterpiece. Here it is!
A masterpiece.
This exhibit ended up being the biggest exhibit in the history of the museum. It will never happen again. I missed it. Here are photos of the line .
The line for the most attended exhibit in Metropolitan Museum history .
so! I did not listen to my kind advice. I ignored cultural clout the likes of which was undeniable. I was lazy and unmotivated . When I first saw this book, it was painful ! This was such a good exhibit, unreal in fact. My mom begged me and my art loving girlfriend to go see. We just didn’t! Wow. I hate this story but I’m trying to turn it into an important one.
i’m not at all impressed by the degree to which I take proper advantage of things. I still have not lived my life in a way where I maximize the squeeze.
Missing Alexander Mcqueens’s exhibit Savage Beauty at the Metropooitan was a painful mistake i think of often. A few gems from the exhibit below .
If you haven’t seen this book yet. I envy you! You have such a wonderful experience before you. This is truly something special, that’s not to be missed. Always listen to your mom when she insists she’s right! If you don’t You just may regret it forever!
thanks for reading! Go familiarize yourself with this book, artist etc. this is not about just fashion .. this will be appealing and inspiring to those who have never considered themselves interested or impressed by fashion. This exhibit is bound to change that.