Two World Records I’ll Try to Break

I am interested in breaking a couple of world records. Not because this is something I sought out specifically do to, but I was performing at such a rate that I began to google a few records, I think I am in contention of two different records. I will try to make a formal attempt at breaking these world records sometime this summer (2024).

The records are, most jumping jacks completed in one minutes. As well as the most pushups completed in one minute. 

World records are mind boggling. They are literally the best performance of a certain task in the entire world. Human beings can do incredible things so to outperform everyone is absolutely insane. Being the best in the world at anything is crazy. 

Often times the world records are so insane that they’re inconceivable. If there was a record for fastest marathon run with a pineapple on your head, that time would be an exceptional marathon time, without the pineapple. The level of excellence in society as demonstrated all over the internet is insane.

However, i must say I was underwhelmed at these two world. Records.

The most jumping jacks in one minute (male) is 136, and was achieved by Binod Thapa (Nepal), in Kathmandu, Nepal, on 28 July 2023. This may seem like a lot, and it is… but at the end of a 1 hour heated HIIT class, i did one minute of jumping jacks and did 121. This is a ways away from 136 obviously, but I feel it is conceivable. The most pushups per minute is something I also think I could achieve. It is currently 101 in 60 seconds. That’s obviously impressive but I have at the end of the same class, done about 60 in 30 seconds, while this pace is very impressive, and on pace to set the world record…the degree to which you get tired is a huge factor. That said, I didn’t time it but I once did 101 pushups, in one set, incredibly quickly. This was last month and was untimed, undocumented and you’ll have to just trust me. I will be documenting these feats/ attempts soon. But i will not be applying for the official record. I would love to drop a world record video but refuse to do the paperwork, and procedure that gets Guiness paid, and legitimizes the record. I think it would be a cool statement to say… hmmm interesting book of records you have there… but its really a record of the person who achieved the task AND wanted to pay Guinness 300. Thats not me. I like the idea of making Guiness less official. It makes me happy to think about holding a world record that is out of the book.

Here is an insane world record that I wouldn’t even dream to think that beating this was possible., because im worried my assessment of being able to beat such aforementioned records might seem like delusions of grandeur. It is pretty ridiculous to say that world records are underwhelming, but those are. Here is an extremel yoverwhelming world record.  The world record for most jump rope is otherworldly.  Cen Xiaolin, a Chinese rope skipper, defends his gold medal with a score of 228 jumps in 30 seconds at the 2023 World Jump Rope Championships held in Colorado Springs, US.. Watch the way he has to bend over so as to decrease the time/ distance the rope has to travel. This is expertise at another level. THIS record is impressive. Footage of the other two will not be included here because… meh. 

This one though. wow look at the pace. Staggering. That is over 7 jumps per second.




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