95 days, a transformation.
I used to be tremendously in shape. I still am, but I used to too (Mitch Hedberg origin at bottom). In all seriousness, I actually had a big decline in my level of fitness, which is completely fine. There is no need to be at peak optimal fitness at all times. Striving to do so can have negative physical and mental consequences.
However, the reason I was so upset was because my energy levels had severely diminished. I used to have electric energy, and I found myself very lethargic and unable to muster enough energy to get through my day. I was working out quite consistently, every day and quite rigorously at that. I just did not have the energy I used to have, and I was. I made two big changes. Having been 100% raw for so long, cooked foods had become something I vilified to an irrational degree. I did not feel physically well every time I ate cooked foods.
I made two big changes and had a huge transformation in terms of my physical appearance as well as my energy levels. I set a goal for myself 95 days. I said so to a friend for accountability on February 7th, and it is now May 13th. The 95 days have elapsed, and I am pleased to report that my fitness level is through the roof, as are my energy levels.
What did I change? Well, the two things that were big changes that I was going to be intentional about were the elimination of all seed oils. Seed oils, for those of you who don’t know, are oils that These oils are almost always derived from the seeds of crops and include: Corn. Canola, Cottonseed. Soy, Sunflower. Safflower, Grapeseed, Rice bran, Peanut. There is a very large movement to avoid these. Due to lobbying, it is possible to find very convincing evidence on both sides of every issue. It is often hard to know what to do. But when I examined things, I became suspicious of seed oils from a logical perspective more than a scientifically sound one (though I believe there is a strong basis for this). Seed oils are so difficult to avoid, and in everything, sometimes inexplicably. There are fantastic olives from this supermarket called Shop Rite that I loved eating. Then I read the label and realized they were soaking in canola oil. WHY! They’re olives. Obviously, the reason is cost. This cost is cut down at the expense of something. When you see how prevalent seed oils are and how difficult avoiding them is and you match that with the knowledge of the food industry in America and its predatorily capitalist nature, I was willing to be very strict about forgoing seed oils.
The other thing I did, which sounds very difficult but has been a practice of mine for 8 years, is fasting. I fast for about 23 hours every day. Drinking only water. (Initially I started doing 16 hours for a year… then 18 for two years, i jumped to 20-22 before doing 23 hours a day for maybe 4 years now before this lapse) During this period of “mysteriously low energy” and lethargy, I had entirely stopped fasting. I had told myself that I was fasting, but I was cheating in small ways that had a significant impact. Anyways, I got really strict about two things that were already staples of my habits but I had gotten loose and sloppy with them. So I sent that friend the accountability photo and stayed disciplined. Let me be clear, I was very strong and fit in so many ways. I had just let myself slip in other ways. The physical transformation of this is impressive, but the energy is what is important. All different types of body can do incredible things. In fact, that aesthetic that is heralded as supreme for men and women in mainstream media is often one that is not at its peak strength or sustainability. Functionality power and energy are often sacrificed for a certain desired aesthetic. I am certainly proud of my physical transformation because it accompanies a period of extremely joyful eating, moderation the likes of which I’ve never achieved, and discipline in select areas. I think I look better, but that’s not everyone’s taste and it doesn’t matter. What I am extremely happy about is the energy with which I wake up and the joy I feel about life again, despite the horrendous circumstances, I feel a sense of excitement at the possibilities of everyday instead of overwhelmed by the tasks I have to complete and the day ahead of me.
Here I am on February 7th as well as today, May 13th. A few things. I have included a more flatteringly lit photo on the same day to show the discrepancy lighting can have. So it’s before, same setting after, different superior setting after photos. #1 the text #2 the before #3 the after #4. These results are not from the two above factors alone, as I am a very active person.
I am very interested in becoming someone’s trainer, and fitness and nutrition are of great interest to me. I am at the peak strength of my entire life right now, and I am confident I can help people come up with strategies and help implement them through a gradual, systemic, sustainable fashion. Please reach out if you’d like my assistance with this. I have aspirations to do so in a professional manner, and I would be happy to talk about any facet of this with any of you who are interested in discussing/learning more.
I have an extremely varied approach that can be tailored to many goals, lifestyles, and commitment levels. Whatever one’s goal is, there are things that can be done to help achieve that. It doesn’t have to be torture, but it does need to be consistent, sustainable, and integrated into your lifestyle.
Damn, this turned into a sales pitch. Thank you for reading, as always. Also now that I have all this extra energy… I have some business and career goals that I am going to tackle in the same fashion. I have a 95-day goal that starts tomorrow. Today is day 0. These goals involve education, career, business, and most importantly, comedy. On August 17th, I will report on the goal and its progress. It will be my 132nd blog post in as many days.