An incredible consumer tip that got me the best payoff of any tip I’ve ever used ever.
This is a consumer tip that I think is absolutely crucial. It applies to larger than average purchases , but you would benefit to do so with any transaction that feels like an economic stretch. (Mostly applies to electronics but there can be a range of what it applies to!
Every time I buy a computer, phone, piece of hardware, I immediately call and report any problems that happen within the first two weeks to thirty days this applies solely to smaller problems that IN NO WAY make your regret the purchase. For a computer or phone this could be a glitch, a minor inconsistent issue etc.
I do lean towards hyper reporting. (In the early , opening days, and within the manufacturer warranty time, and store return policy time)
For larger issues
If there are serious issues with your new hardware, I strongly suggest returning it in exchanging for a new unit. Several times I’ve bought computers specifically to handle the video editing I do for work, only to return them when malfunctions kept occurring. When you pay top dollar to a soulless and exploitive corporation, there is no reason to get everything you can when you are within your contractual right. For the second that expires, mercy will rarely be shown, and charges will accrue to fix issues. (I may write out something in the future for how to ensure smooth exchanges of larger scale items.)
The customer service representatives will be more than thrilled to create a case number for you. This will be a pleasant and non argumentative encounter because I case number means “putting it on the back-burner” , but what you are doing is creating a written record for malfunctions and problems the item caused in its early days. This can come in handy later when you are making a case for having received a lemon, or a poorly functioning unit .
In the meantime , the customer representative will happily create a case number. You should mark it down, but most likely it will be filed under your email, telephone number, and or order number of the product.
Whenever a similar or different issue occurs , take the time to report it, and say “I’d like to have this added to my open case .”
Why do this? I once had a problematic computer that was simultaneously problematic but an incredible machine. 3 years in , I had a lot of malfunctions that were not too substantial, but didn’t reflect the level of smoothness I’d felt I’d paid for . As this was a work tool, and again, a soulless corporation, my willingness to fight for the best was pretty sky high.
Long story short, after having Compiyer technicians sent to my house, where they performed in home repairs the likes of which I’d never heard of, I encountered a similar unacceptable malfunction.
As soon as I called the senior advisor to report the persistence of this malfunction , she said “oh no, we’re gonna switch it out” . I received a new unit, of the most updated model, a desktop editing machine that was 4 years more modern, and the ability to pay a nominal fee to make it future proof.
As a result of this documentation, I am still using the same desktop computer, which is still incredibly powerful and impressive. The first computer was bought 8 years ago, so that is an continued to prove wise
It’s a beautiful elegant machine, incredibly fats and powerful , handles all my work tasks , and functions as an impressive in room entertainment system.
An upgraded logo is a bulletproof tactic leaving the company involved anonymous.
Document your electronic hardware mishaps ! It could save you money and lead to a beautiful resolution.