This blog, and why I’m doing it.
I’d like to write a few reasons out why I’m doing this blog. My daily entries my have gotten too daunting, too intricate. Or perhaps they haven’t and I’ve fallen behind and gotten Wimpy on the mental toughness and consistency that is required to maintain it.
My daily blog was inspired by Seth Godin who has been maintaining a daily blog for over a decade. The blog posts are simple, pithy and usually have some sort of moral.
I don’t read his blog and never have . I have however listened to many interviews snd podcasts by him. I’m inspired by his methodology and his emphasis on “shipping it” what this means is doing your work and putting it out. Similar to a ship departing out the terminology we used when a package goes into distribution . When we order a gadget, item, product whatever, it is useless unless we ship it.
I started this blog because my online persona is so different than who I believe myself to be and who I aspire to be.
I have fallen behind on my goal of doing a daily blog. I’m going to do a combo of scaling back the length and intricacy of my posts. While also reving up my commitment to consistency.
The purpose of this blog was as follows
develop a consistent writing practice
Express myself
Strength my writing brain muscles
Capturing some of my chaotic energy into something tangible
Have a record of claims I make for the future
Force me to take stands publicly on positions
Hopefully parlay an eventual readership into watching comedy content I create
Teaching people things I am consistently talking about in person, anything I find myself repeating consistently I shall try to feature here.
Inspiring brilliant writers I know who are far wiser, whose writing is more in need in this world , to publish their works (Michael Sladnick and Ginan Rauf!)
Take little bits and pieces of writing I produce here and turn them into larger themes , bits or employment opportunities. The Kobe Bryant entry, could easily be a book, and I think it should. I hope to write some stand up comedy bits and small performances out of other posts I’ve made.
Thanks for reading, this one, and any others. It means a lot to me. I’m really committed to expanding behind my comfort this year and creating. Your readership, even your potential readership, means so much to me! Thank you!