Good Riddance! Shitting on Donald Trump, and a bit on Joe, Hillary, and Obama because they are all trash… but none like 45, trash-est.

I looked forward to writing about this current president’s last day in office for quite some time, about the amazing degradation that has occurred in the last four years. I’ve been mostly silent on the tremendous downward spiral that our country has been engaged in.

A complete and utter freefall. This was the year that the curtain was fully pulled back, shredded even, revealing to the world the Wizard running the Oz that is America.

The downward spiral reached terminal velocity with the election of our 45th president, but it cannot be blamed solely on him. This spiral has been one that is long coming and even inevitable. Donald Trump, a symptom not the disease, was elected four years ago, but the conditions and atmosphere in America that enabled his presidency were created long ago, and continue to thrive.

This, however, does not mean that with his ousting the downward spiral has halted. On the contrary, the divide that has been ignited is now more dangerous than ever.

Echo chambers are harmful, and I do not wish for everyone to agree with one another. A difference in opinion is essential. But what we are dealing with here is no difference in opinion. There’s a big difference between disagreeing on how to approach a home’s interior decoration and bulldozing the foundation of that home.

Dismantling democracy and instilling fascism is not a difference in opinion. Neither is dehumanizing minorities, breaking up families, and destroying critical institutional safeguards. While echo chambers are harmful, this divide that has been actively fueled is an unacceptable extreme opposite.

The echo chambers we communicate through, however, do put us out of touch with competing world views and also importantly, shared causes of suffering.

Donald Trump, the fraud, conman, rapist (alleged, cuz he buys his way out of court), and racist (proven), is not an idiot. He has highly neglected components of his development. This occurred through extreme wealth and the ability to outsource any micro-difficulty.

This process leads to atrophy, which happens to the brain like any other muscle. So while there are undeniable dead spots in this man’s brain and areas of complete viciousness and lack of regard, one would be foolish to dismiss this man as stupid.

He is selfish, narcissistic, and a conman, but he is not stupid. He is shortsighted and suffers countless instances of humiliation due to massive glaring ineptitude, but he is not stupid.

Ok, to be fair, he’s also quite stupid.

Donald Trump, stares  directly at sun during the solar eclipse of 2017, without any protective measures.

Donald Trump, stares directly at sun during the solar eclipse of 2017, without any protective measures.

But I would like to point out some things that Donald Trump does brilliantly that are severely underestimated. This underestimation of Donald Trump and anybody who deploys similar tactics has proved to be no small cute oversight, but rather a glaring security risk. One that truly threatens the degree to which the oligarchy we are in can continue to masquerade as a democracy.

We are dealing with a failed state and national security level threats coupled with global embarrassments and a national reckoning. This refers to the attacks on Capitol Hill OR any other week of this last presidency. It has been an abhorrent mess. I am not someone who praises Democrats blindly. I’m actually not someone who praises Democrats.

Barack Obama was a terrible president whose legacy shall be one of drones, corporatism, Monsanto, and acceleration of the dangerous political precedents that enabled the actions of 45 and those beyond. He was also very charming, charismatic, and suave.

He was absolutely a class act in every way. We should realize that this charisma and elegance were used to facilitate war crimes and comfort a complacent populous. All the while politics as usual continued under the guise of hope and new diversity.

Barack Obama’s election was an important one, a historic one, but his impact on the black community in America was kept largely symbolic. I do not wish to diminish the pure excellence that Barack Obama embodies. He’s a remarkable man. But his service to his own and other minority communities left a lot to be desired. Also, his rampant war crimes weren’t that great either.

Don’t kill the messenger should be expanded to include, don’t celebrate the messenger needlessly.

If the message is a corporate political agenda that has been bought by the ultra-wealthy, the identity politics of the messenger should not be heralded as some progressive step. This is where it gets tricky, but essentially very straightforward IF we don’t get distracted by marketing. Which we always do. Representation is essential. But it must go far beyond symbolic and into political action with the ability to radically alter a group’s ability to survive and thrive.

It is critical in a media and political sense (including minorities in films etc), but it cannot be merely public relations moves. Representation is political action in service of that group. This absolutely applies to lip service or public relations-based moves to include racial, gender, or LGBTQIA+ diversity.

However, we must also realize that lack of representation also covers the glaring and unavoidable disconnect between our political representatives and the populous. It is getting downright abusive and completely unsustainable, which it always has been, but shit is hitting the fan as they say. Congress’s approval rating is terrible, and they won’t take action because they are completely isolated from the effects of their vicious neglect. People are hurting, and the corruption and thievery are next level.

Back to talking about 45, his ineptitude, narcissism, and failed performance.

I’m not good at writing about political things, as this is one of my first attempts to do so, but I will put out some raw opinions here. Donald Trump is an extremely dangerous man. A narcissist with no value system over personal enrichment. A fascist for whom extreme loyalty is the deciding factor.

We are in dangerous times. Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in the history of the Democratic party. Nobody should have lost to Donald Trump, a fascist, rapist (alleged).


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