My favorite Childhood Book.
One of my favorite books ever was "Holes" by Louis Sachar. I loved it so much. It was by Louis Sachar who was a legend. "Holes" was the first Louis Sachar book I ever read. I bought it after my cousin had purchased it months earlier during a trip my mom took us to Barnes and Noble. This was a typical type of outing. My mom was probably very dissatisfied with how we were wasting our lives away playing video games in the basement. So she would take us on trips to the bookstore and let us all pick out a book to read. My cousin picked "Holes," and on the car ride, he remarked about the book cover. "Look at how appealing that made this cover. This kid with this cap, the texture of the word holes," he said as he ran his finger down the text. I remember that well. Months later, I bought what turned out to be my favorite childhood Book. I started reading all of Louis Sachar’s books. Louis Sachar is a legend and wrote so many different kinds of books. He had such range.
The book cover that started it all.
One of my fondest memories was when my mom took me to the Curious George Bookstore in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Curios George Book Store in Cambridge Massachusetts.
This was an iconic outing for me in my childhood, this was an expensive trendy beautifully directed children’s book store and I did not buy books from their often. On this day, Louis Sachar was doing a reading of "Holes." This was so exciting it was crazy. Before the reading, my mom and I went to a bookstore that she loved, a store that had tons of used books and really rare books. I think it’s my among my mom’s favorite book stores in the world. Which says a lot. Anyways, I went to the Louis Sachar section and bought like 10 books. Then we went to the Curious George Bookstore where the reading was taking place. The section Louis read was amazing. After, I had him sign every book of mine. In "Holes," he wrote “To Sherif: Happy Digging, Louis Sachar, 1999." I will include a photo of this soon. I don’t have the book with. But here is the original cover that started this madness. Holes is also responsible for my “workout” philosphy and jumpstarted my fitness life. I will write a blog post about that this week.
I love this man’s books, and this memory is a great one. I’ll never forget this beautiful memory my mom helped me create.