Rush Limbaugh is dead 🎉 !
For the record! I am thrilled that Rush Limbaugh has died. Thrilled!
I remember listening to Rush Limbaugh in the car with my mom as a young child as she explained to me the immense reach and impact of his vitriol.
When I asked why she’s listening to such a terrible person. She told me it’s important to listen to him to know what “people like him are saying and listening to”
In moderation, this can be true. You don’t wanna drive up ratings, but you don’t want to be in an echo chamber, ignorant of what’s being said and what tactics are being deployed. “Studying your enemy” can teach you a lot about tactics, networks, and strategies. All of which are likely to be deployed against your community.
He was the first villain I’d known about in my life.
When reading his name in the headline today, I hoped that his death would be the news. Any other mention would have been dangerous and a problem. Normally, no matter how much I disagree with someone, I fight any urge to feel joy at death. It feels like it can be quite corrosive.
But this was different.
He’s a genocidal racist piece of shit who spread hate with astonishing reach and success.
When someone dies who stands for and creates hate violence and oppression, it is a good thing.
the lessening of a bad thing is a good thing. Fundamentally.
This man was a symbol of white supremacist violence and genocidal anger. It’s good this symbol has died. His whole brand was hate and oppression.
The impact of his evil is difficult to measure but immense. This is in regards to his political influence and the hatred fueled and created in the name of white supremacy. This was only elevated when 45 was President. Another one I’d love to see go.
It was a knife in my heart when Rush Limbaugh was given the highest award this country grants.
It makes a lot of sense that a white supremacist superstar would be rewarded by our government in this fashion with peak red white and blue honors.
He was too racist to work as a sportscaster for ESPN (they fired his ass) so naturally, our country comes through giving him a Presidential medal of Freedom. That sounds about white.
His receiving the award should have caused a flurry of previous winners denouncing their award.
It’s important to note that there are a new brand of extremists, and genocidal fascists being created right now, just like him and some more dangerous even.
It is a great day that he’s gone. We must fight any trace of positivity in his legacy of evil and violence.
And fight all those who seek to perpetuate the vicious world this man spent his life trying to create.
Good riddance you piece of shit.
I’d like to end by commemorating one of my favorite Rush Limbaugh memories which was when he was arrested for committing fraud so he could obtain narcotics. This was delicious because he for many years, vilified drug users in minority and lower-income communities. But in the end, he was a hypocritical racist drug addict fraud.
Rush Limbaugh’s mugshot for his being arrested for fraud.