Two Sopranos Scenes That Happened to Me in Real Life
One time when I was young, I did something to get in trouble. I don’t remember what it was at all, but I was to be punished. My mom said, “That’s it, no more Gameboy!” At the time, I hadn’t even thought of my Gameboy in so long; I hadn’t played it for a while. “Aww, man,” I said out loud, acting upset at this completely inconsequential punishment. I remember feeling relieved at the lack of significant punishment but also recall a direct sense of guilt for being misleading about the degree to which this impacted me.
**Very small-scale Sopranos spoiler below:**
There was a scene where Meadow is being punished for throwing a party that gets very out of hand at her grandma's house. In the aftermath, Meadow approaches her family and suggests that they take away her Mastercard. They agree, after extending the time she had suggested. She later turns around and walks away with the camera revealing her satisfied smirking face. This was the move I pulled as a child with the Gameboy punishment.
Another iconic moment that happened on The Sopranos (small spoiler below) is a scene that happened to me in the exact same fashion. Tony and his boys go to Italy, and after they return, there is a car ride home from the airport, with the focus being the bleak, horrendous landscape of American architecture. This is in sharp contrast to the beautiful nature, art, and architecture portrayed earlier in the scenes in Italy.
This exact experience happened to me and my brother. Riding home from the airport after our trip to Italy, we found the landscape extremely depressing after seeing intricate statues and priceless artworks nestled into every crevice of Florence.
Thanks for reading.