
I really like emojis. They have grown on me. I do not recall how i felt the first time i came across them but it was not super positive. I probably thought it was a dumb internet thing, the same way I did with cats before I had to become an obigatory fan. Anyways emojis are really cool. I didn’t think I liked them at first but they’re really a unique modern form of expression. They do not depend on understanding a specific language, they are universal like musical notes or math symbols. This makes them quite interesting in today’s globally connected world. Anyways, i like to send unique combinations of emojis that have meaning together. There are a few that I use and some of them are definitely interesting but today I am going to go with a simple one i send to my friends when I miss them and don’t know what’s up with their lives lately. I say . Let’s 🍅 🔨. Does anyone get it? Anyone get what that means? This lady didn’t.

Anyways, I enjoy unique combos of emojis that communicate stories. I think I’m often an effective sender of emojis. I also use the Imessage effects very well. Using 3 emojis and having them send with a screen echo is fantastic. I also like making the word “confetti” echo .

It seems like it should be confetti falling. It’s perfect. Emojis are the modern day hieroglyphics. I am sure that this has been said before or commented on. But it is a friend’s quote that made me think of it. He said that yolo was the modern day carpe diem. It’s true. Well emojis are today’s hieroglyphics and I'm glad to have them as part of my digital vocabulary.


Taxes, Filing an Extension, the Simpsons.


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