Taxes, Filing an Extension, the Simpsons.

Every year I do my taxes on April 15th. That is, of course, unless the taxes are due on April 17th. I always do them at the last minute. I don't think there has ever been a single day where I did my taxes one day in advance.

This year, I have to file an extension for the first time. That is also why this blog post is going to be so short, and for the third night in a row, be a technicality blog post buzzer beater. I think about my relationship with time a lot. I have often done everything at the last minute. My relationship with time needs to improve, as this is a very stressful way to live. I always go to my yoga studio at the very last minute. I am usually setting up my mat 1 minute after the class start time when the teacher is talking to the students. This happens because I'm usually doing as much as I can where I am before I need to leave for the subway to make class. Then I usually have to sprint to the subway because I have left way later than the Google Maps calculated departure time. "6 Minute walk," ha, I think to myself. I don't have to leave at 4:21. I usually leave considerably after I am advised to, and have to sprint the whole way. Going up the subway stairs to the platform is often frantic, with me fumbling for my phone, paying my way through the turnstile, and jogging up the stairs as I hear the arriving subway. It is not enough to make the train, given how late I am - I need to be on the correct car. This would be the third car from the front. If I exit through the left side on the second door of the third car, when I arrive at the subway stop that my yoga studio is at, I will be at the perfect location to leave the station, at the exit nearest to my yoga studio.

If I am several cars down, I will get stuck behind the traffic of people slowly exiting the station. Anyways, I've gotten sidetracked, but let's be honest, I needed the length, the numbers, the padding.

Anyways, my relationship with time often leaves me frantic and unable to do things in a calm, cool, collected manner. Today, while paying my taxes, I was reminded of an iconic Simpsons scene - Homer and his taxes.

This was certainly me today. One thing though that I'd like to add is that it is ridiculous that filing a tax extension does not let you pay late. What is the point then? If you file an extension and do not pay the taxes you owe, you are still responsible for penalties when you do pay. Anyways, I have 28 minutes to figure this out. These blogs this week are gonna skyrocket in quality. This I promise.


A good name.

