Flyers in New York City
Often in New York City, you're interrupted by someone wanting something from you. It could be money, or a canvasser wanting to sell you on their cause and get you to sign up for their subscription.
These are fun moments, dodging and weaving a canvasser. I've just gotten accustomed to saying, "ahh I'm so sorry, I'm an asshole." It usually gets them to laugh. One time a guy said, "hey, at least you're being honest," which I thought was very funny.
Anyways, one uniquely New York thing is being handed a flyer. The flyer is usually from a small business or sometimes a corporate chain paying someone to distribute their advertisement. It's rarely a business you're interested in, as it's a numbers game: hand it out to x number of people, and y will be enticed by the information.
Most people walk by without taking the flyer. I always stop and say, "I don't want the flyer, but I do want to tell you a joke. Have you heard of Mitch Hedburg?" I tell them all about Mitch's legacy and share this joke.
The last lady I told said, "that's a good joke." "Hey, I'll throw one of these out for you," I respond. Rest in Peace Mitch.