A funny thing that happened on today’s customer service phone call (Bose)

Today , like many days, I was on a customer service Salk with a company. This time it was Bose. Bose is a company I’ve been a huge supporter and basically have belonged to their cult for quite some time. It may be second only to my loyalty to the legit cult apple. I believe beats by Dre are brilliant marketing , but the product, as a headphone, is trash , low quality and overpriced. It carries with it a prestige, and is a status symbol. It is however , not a good piece of audio equipment.

Instead, I prefer my Bose wireless headphones, which are not perfect headphones, but the quality is high. Thought the years I have owned about 5 pairs. This is due to loss, and some rough  handling . Headphones are a frequently used and abused item in my life. They are used everyday for long stretches and have to withstand tumultuous routines that out a strain on them.

I am very impressed with the degree to which these headphones have stood the test of time.

Anyways I have digressed a lot. Today I was talking to this lady about an issue regarding a steak that I use to fasten my bose sound link speaker to my hike handle bars. This has always been a very impressive strap. It would flip with ease but was difficult to unfasten accidentally. At the same time, it was very easy to detach when you meant to. This strap created some major functionality for the speaker. I would use it primarily to hang from my shower curtain rod and around handlebars on my bike. This way my showers and bike rides always had music and podcast options .   

I’d previously been told that the company couldn’t do anything about the damage. But I’m me, so after talking to an escalation specialist. I found out they would exchange the unit for one with an intact strap.

The tiny hilarious encounter that ensued is the whole reason I’m writing this blog.

There are a few other available colors sir. The customer service representative told me . “I’ll take the orange . Same one I have I say.” 

“We have black and blue . “  she offers. “No I think I’ll stick with the orange one.” I insist. “To be honest sir I think the orange one is really ugly. “ I immediately laugh, because I definitely agree with her. “I love that you said that” I tell her. “You may not believe me, but I think this color is so ugly too, I tell her. “ 

I actually think it’s ugly, my friend actually generously gifted me this speaker. “I lost it, and I bought the same exact color to replace it.” .. “oh I understand , now .. “ she replies” 

“yeah.. so I’ll take the color I hate to deceive my friend “ I reply. I had her laughing at this point. To be honest, it’s super ultra rare that I have a customer service call where the person doesn’t laugh a few times . It’s a goal of Mine, always. I often am shocked  to see the polar extremities k can toggle during one customer service call. I can be relentlessly and tenaciously demanding of the corporation I’m calling, while humane and entertaining to the employee talking to me . 

It’s a delicate balance but one I have excelled at. I feel that achieving this balance also yields very helpful result! 

Whatever you do or seek to do, it’s possible to be firm  but not cruel or rude. Do not curse or yell when trying to get something out of customer service representatives . Always remember they’re working a tough job, are just humans trying to eat and live, and they probably like to laugh a lot. 

Thanks for reading!  It means a lot to me! 


Farting in Yoga Class


Lady Gaga, her pets and attempted murder.